Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Amazing What Can Be Ignored In Two Weeks!

It has been over two weeks since I last saw my darling wife. It has been lonely, frustrating and less than productive at times. It's not that I haven't been doing things, it's just that, over all, less is getting done. I feel like I'm doing more, but without her here to help, and, quite honestly, to do, less gets done. In fact, the list of things I haven't gotten done seems to be overwhelming.

Much of this is my fault. I am a late night person and have been since I worked second shift when we lived in Chicago. I seem to not be able to go to bed before midnight except on rare occasions. Essentially, I reach a point of exhaustion and then collapse into a comatose state. It isn't easy to get work done around the house when you are in that comatose state!

The Blame Game set aside, I was able to do a fair job cleaning the downstairs, meals and shopping were done, though Eldest would complain that I wasn't fastidious and quick enough. I cleaned out the refrigerator which desperately needed to be cleaned. The yard was mowed, except for a small spot I forgot about. All of the appointments were kept, and we were on time for them. I think where I really fell down on the job was in keeping the house tidy.

And tonight is the night she comes back. She Who Must Be Obeyed returns tonight, and I am not ready. Rather the house is not ready. I am so ready for her to return, I am sure I will jump for joy when I see her. Not because I want help cleaning the house. I miss her. I love her. I am incomplete without her.

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